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  Brattleboro Museum 2011

Four Years, Four Domino Topplers

Before our fourth trip to the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center, I was contacted separately by two teenagers named Shane and Aiden. They expressed an interest in participating in the event. So, for the first time, Steve and I collaborated with other domino topplers!

Steve - Aidan - Shane - Mike

Another first for this year was coverage from local news station WCAX. We were interviewed by reporter Gina Bullard, and the knockdown was broadcast live. We hid a tiny plug for their channel within the course.

I think Shane ended up stealing the show, which is a good thing as we'll see in future events. He made an even bigger Mona Lisa than we did two years earlier, and built some fantastic 3D pyramids and walls. We struggle to make those, because our homemade wooden dominoes aren't all the exact same size and create far more friction than smooth plastic ones.

Looking back, I feel like Steve and I underperformed this year. We had a lot of simple trails, although we tried to spice them up by making them cross over and under other lines. Crowds react far more enthusiastically to giant mosaics and spectacular stunts. There's a free lesson to any young, aspiring domino topplers out there. The finale was definitely our best feature, which had a catapult launching a basketball into a wall of cups.

Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. Check out the video and judge for yourself: